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Affiliate Program Glossary

Advanced Action Listing Report: Column Definitions

The Impact Advanced Action Listing Report column definitions are defined below: 

Column Name


The recorded date of that specific action


Unique ID that we use to track the action within Impact


The company name associated to the action. In this report, the brand will always be Shopify. 


There will be a separate action logged for EACH stage your referral goes through…

  • Free Trial = The customer signed up for their Free 3-Day Trial
  • Paid Trial = The customer paid their $1 Paid Trial (1 month trial)
  • Online Sale = The customer paid their first full price plan invoice


This is the current status of the action.

  • Pending = Action has not locked yet for payment. (Actions lock on the 21st of the month following the action. ie. April 5 actions lock on May 22.) – Pending actions are subject to reversals if fraud or refunded.
  • Approved = Action has not been reversed, and has locked for payment. Already-paid actions will also appear as Approved. 
  • Reversed = Action has been reversed due to a refund being issued, or fraud.


This is the amount earned from a specific action


The country location of the referred merchant

This defines your earnings based on our country-level commission structure.


The unique identifier of the referred merchant 


Shopify Affiliate Program Commission Timeline and Definitions

Review the definitions below to understand commissionable actions and the payment timeline.

Commission Timeline Overview:

Commission timeline overview



Do I Earn Commission?

Free Trial

A new merchant has signed up for their initial 3-day free trial. 


Paid Trial

A merchant has paid $1/month for their 3-month paid trial. This action is dependent on when the merchant pays their invoice. This action will not be in Impact until the merchant pays their invoice.


Online Sale 

A merchant has paid for their full-price subscription by paying their invoice. This action will not be in Impact until the merchant pays their invoice.

Yes, up to $150, based on merchant country

POS Pro Sale

A merchant has paid a full-price invoice for POS Pro, a retail solution provided by Shopify. This action is dependent on when the merchant pays their invoice. This action will not be in Impact until the merchant pays their invoice. 

Note: An affiliate is only eligible to receive credit for this action if the affiliate also referred the merchant’s initial free trial. 

Yes, up to $150, based on merchant country.


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