How To Utilize Shopify Cohort Reports in IMPACT

How To Utilize Shopify Cohort Reports in IMPACT

What are the Cohort Reports

Since the Shopify program has multiple actions in the lifecycle of a merchant, we want to ensure you can easily see how many of your leads from a specific time frame actually converted to commissionable actions (Online Sale). These COHORT reports will allow you to see if the Leads that signed up after your referral in April actually converted 1,2,3 months later (all in a single line for easy reading).

The available Cohort Reports are:

Ways to leverage these reports: analyze to understand conversion rates, optimize campaigns based off conversion rates, and make financial projections based off tracked conversions.

More information on the individual action types can be found here:

Enabling the Cohort Reports to always appear in your “Reports” menu

Login to your Impact account 

Navigate to Reports > ALL Reports 

Scroll to the bottom of the page

At the bottom of that page, you will find a section called “Custom”. This is where you will find all reports custom-created by Impact & Shopify to help you measure success and optimize performance. 

If the report is not already in your “Reports” menu drop-down, click “Add to Reports Dropdown” under “Actions” (right side of the table above) to ensure it’s always readily available to you upon login. 

If you are unable to save these, make sure to bookmark the links provided above to have even faster access to these reports.

Once you do this, the Report will always automatically appear in your Reports menu dropdown (at the top of your Impact dashboard).


Using the Cohort Reports

From your “Reports” menu, click on the report you want to use. (ie: Shopify - Performance by Month (Cohort))

Select your date range.

Click on Date Range dropdown and ensure the “Date Range” field says “Cohort”

Then click the magnifying glass button to RUN the report.

Here’s an example of what it might look like:

In this report, you can see there is 1 Online Sale Action noted in May 2023.  Because this is a Cohorted view, what that means is that the 1 action did NOT happen in May, BUT is simply tied to the initial referral that happened in May.

This report allows you to see that the 7 Clicks and 3 Free Trials you sent in May converted to 1 Paid Trial, which then also converted to 1 Online Sale. So, the conversion rate for your May campaigns from Free Trial to Online Sale was ~30%, whereas other months were 0% according to this data. 

Remember, in Cohorted reports, if we have a 1 month trial running, you won’t see Online Sales reflected for those referrals for at least 1 month. Example:  If it’s currently June 2023, and you sent 17 Clicks, with 5 Free Trials, they would likely convert to Paid Trial within 3 days (our current Free Trial Offer period), but would not convert to Full Price Online Sale until after the Paid Trial is over. 

To compare, here is an “In Period” View of the same data:


With the “In Period” view you can see that the Online Sale actually happened 3+ months after the initial referral, in September, and that’s when the Affiliate was credited and paid.

The value of Cohorted reports is not in seeing actual timing of full funnel conversions, but conversion rates for leads sent XX days ago, and being able to tie Commissions/Conversion Events back to the initial referral timeframe to understand what campaigns worked for the downstream conversion event.

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